Vehicle Injury

Millions of Americans every year are injured or killed in motor vehicle accidents. Automobile, truck and motorcycle accidents are the leading cause of injury in the United States for people ages 1-34. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, every ten seconds someone in the United States is involved in a car accident.

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Whether they are referred to as large trucks, big rigs, 18-wheelers, or tractor-trailers, they constitute a very high percentage of traffic crashes and deaths on the road. The legal definition of a "large truck" is any truck whose vehicle weight is over 10,000 pounds. Because of their immense size, crashes involving large trucks more often result in serious injury and death than crashes only involving cars. Approximately 10% of persons injured in a large truck crash will die. Federal and state regulations govern the trucking industry and cover specific areas such as equipment safety and driver work hours. Poor equipment and driver fatigue are frequent causes of crashes, and careful study of trucking company records and driver log books by an expert attorney may be necessary to determine if negligence has occurred.

Often, the fault lies with the trucking company. To lower expenditures and increase profit, some trucking operations have been known to cut safety measures and drivers' wages, resulting in unsafe rigs operated by overworked truckers. Drug use among long-haul truck drivers is on the rise, as the need to stay awake increases. Falsification of logs by the driver is another result, as it allows them to stay on the road despite defective brakes, worn tires, and overweight or unbalanced loads.

The terrible consequence of these actions is that innocent motorists and pedestrians are injured in semi truck accidents. We have handled these cases in the past and we know how to handle them properly: by consulting with trucking industry safety experts across Texas, reconstructing the accident step by step, checking driver log books and company records, and evaluating the vehicle's condition. We are dedicated to assuring that people injured in semi truck accidents are appropriately compensated for their injuries.

If you believe you may have a large truck injury case, contact us today for more information.

Over 5,000 pedestrians are killed every year in motor vehicle collisions in the United States. Tens of thousands more are injured. Pedestrian accidents represent two percent of traffic injuries and deaths annually. Pedestrian accidents can also occur as a result of non-vehicular incidents. Although there has been a statistical drop in pedestrian fatalities in recent years, pedestrian safety remains a problem.

If you or a loved one has suffered injury or death in a pedestrian accident, it may be in your best interest to consult a qualified attorney; you may be entitled to receive compensation for your loss or suffering.

Some common causes of pedestrian accidents are listed below:

  • Pedestrian is struck by an oncoming vehicle after walking/running into a roadway
  • Motorist is unable to stop in time to see the pedestrian
  • Motorist runs a red light at an intersection
  • Pedestrian is struck while exiting a parked vehicle
  • Pedestrian is struck by a car due to a blind spot (or moving in reverse or turning a corner)

Other less common pedestrian accidents include fallen cargo or construction materials, dangerous pavement or environmental hazards. Overall, the most common cause of pedestrian accidents is negligence, usually on the part of a driver.

Some of the common factors involved in pedestrian accidents include:

  • Area type - Pedestrian accidents occur more frequently in populated areas
  • Location type - Most pedestrian accidents occur at non-intersections
  • Speeding - Excessive speed is a contributing factor in approximately 30 percent of all pedestrian accidents
  • Alcohol Impairment - Alcohol is involved in nearly one-third of all pedestrian accidents

Some of the potentially liable parties in an accident could be the motorist who strikes the pedestrian, the party responsible for maintaining the area where the accident happened, the auto manufacturer, or the pedestrian. Even if you were partially at fault for the accident, you may be able to seek compensatory damages for your losses and suffering.

Some important things you can do to protect yourself in the even of an accident:

  • File a police report
  • Do not to leave the scene of the accident unless medically necessary
  • Gather as much information as possible, including the names and contact information of all witnesses and parties involved
  • You may wish to take photos of the scene and/or any injuries sustained
  • Before discussing the incident with an at-fault driver or an insurance company, you should contact a qualified attorney experienced in pedestrian accidents

If you believe you may have a pedestrian injury case, contact us today for more information.

This crime is defined as a failure to stop following a vehicular accident in order to exchange information (name, license number, insurance information, etc.) with the parties involved. In cases where injury has occurred, the law requires a person to address the needs of the victim or victims as necessary, which may include calling emergency medical personnel or waiting until help arrives. In cases where no witnesses are present or the victim is not present, hit and run law requires that the person responsible for an accident leave a note with all pertinent contact information. It should be noted that this requirement does not infringe on a person's right to refrain from an admission of guilt, however, as this exchange of information is considered a report and not a guilty plea.

Hit and run statistics show that nearly eleven percent of all vehicle accidents are hit and run car accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that the rate of hit and run accidents increased by fifteen percent from 1998 to 2002 throughout the United States.

A hit and run violator can be required to compensate the victim for his or her losses, or have their license suspended or revoked, or also face criminal/punitive fines. In more serious cases an offender may also be required to serve jail time, and may face points on his/her insurance or DVM records. In Texas, the punishment for a hit and run violation can range from a fine not to exceed $5,000 to not more than 5 years in prison.

If you believe you may have a hit and run case, contact us today for more information.

Construction workers are often placed in harm's way due to the nature of their profession; a construction accident can more easily lead to serious injury or death than most professions. Depending on the circumstances of a construction accident, the company involved may be liable for damages.

In the event that a death has resulted from a construction accident, the surviving family of the deceased can file a wrongful death suit. Damages may be sued for in cases where injury has resulted in financial difficulties from medical bills, treatment, and any property damage caused by the construction accident. There is statute of limitations for filing a construction accident report, and for filing cases, so it is important to contact an attorney with construction accident experience as soon as possible to ensure that your rights are protected.

Be aware that even when injuries from a construction accident appear minor, it is advisable to seek a medical evaluation. Often an injury sustained from a construction accident may be underestimated cause future pain, further injuries, and more financial burdens as a result.

It is important to note that you should avoid making any statements or signing any papers relating to the construction accident without first seeking legal counsel from a qualified lawyer.

If you believe you may have a construction zone injury case, contact us today for more information.

Simply put, motorcycles are more dangerous than cars. By their very nature, they offer no protective outer chassis for the driver and they allow for a greater degree of dangerous maneuvering on the road. It is a statistical fact that they cause a far higher rate of death and injury per accident than cars do.

You are three times more likely to be injured and fourteen times more likely to die if you are involved in a motorcycle accident. In many states, helmet laws have been enacted to help to reduce these numbers, but the danger remains.

Certainly, you pilot a motorcycle at your own risk, but you should be aware that product failure may be grounds for a case against a motorcycle manufacturer.

If you have been injured by a motorcyclist here are some things to look for when considering legal action:

  • Were they obeying the traffic laws - speeding, improperly passing, or following too closely?
  • Were they properly visible, with a headlight on at all times and wearing reflective gear after dark?
  • Were they able to properly control the motorcycle, and/or while carrying a passenger?
  • Were intoxicants such as alcohol involved?

If you believe you may have a motorcycle injury case, contact us today for more information.

Thousands of people are killed in motor vehicle crashes and millions are injured every year. There are many causes of motor vehicle accidents, but they can usually be divided into negligence, intentional misconduct, or product liability. Other categories such as "acts of nature" certainly exist, but are far less frequent.

Negligence is perhaps the most common cause of automobile accidents. Negligent acts occur when a driver does not exercise reasonable care (for example, driving too fast or too slow for the road and weather conditions). Distraction, carelessness or impairment are just a few of the many areas in which negligence can occur, but whatever the circumstances, negligence is a failure to be careful rather than an intentional act to cause harm.

By contrast, intentional misconduct is an action taken when the drivers know that their actions could cause harm and do not care, or actively desire to harm others. Motorists who drive at high speeds, weave in and out of traffic, or disregard signs and signals are putting themselves and others in grave danger.

Product failure is another contributor to auto accidents. The Firestone tire recall of 2000 is a prime example of a company reacting to product failure. In that case, defects in the tire's manufacture caused accidents beyond the control of drivers. Certainly the defects were not intentional, but by law the manufacturer can be held responsible for its failure to produce safe products. A similar case could be made against a mechanic who performed an improper repair to a car that resulted in a crash. In some states, even a business or individual who supplied alcohol and allowed a motorist to drive intoxicated could be held liable for damages in addition to the drunk driver.

If you believe you may have a car accident injury case, contact us today for more information.

People often underestimate the dangers of boats compared to cars. The major causes of boating accidents are operator error, negligence and intoxication. Whether recreational (personal watercraft, speedboats, party barges, sailboats) or professional (cargo ships, cruise ships, tugboats, scows, or other maritime/naval vessels), boating accidents are a common and unfortunate part of life on our lakes, rivers and seas. Regardless of the nature of boating accident involved, an attorney specializing in personal injuries sustained from boating accidents is the key to a successful case.

In the event that a death has resulted from a boating accident, the surviving family of the deceased can file a wrongful death suit. Damages may be sued for in cases where injury has resulted in financial difficulties from medical bills, treatment, and any property damage caused by the boating accident. There is statute of limitations for filing a boating accident report, and for filing cases, so it is important to contact an attorney with boating accident experience as soon as possible to ensure that your rights are protected.

Be aware that even when injuries from a boating accident appear minor, it is advisable to seek a medical evaluation. Often an injury sustained from a boating accident may be underestimated cause future pain, further injuries, and more financial burdens as a result.

It is important to note that you should avoid making any statements or signing any papers relating to the boating accident without first seeking legal counsel from a qualified lawyer.

If you believe you may have a boating accident case, contact us today for more information.

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